Smart Data

Smart Data Drives Smart Asset Management
Flexible. Comprehensive. Current.

Owning Complete, Up-To-Date Sewer Line Network Location And Condition Data Makes It Easy To Do More And Spend Less.

See the Whole Picture 

RATS Inc. provides our clients with unparalleled interactive whole-network mapping and condition reports pinpointing the areas which require the services of a CCTV inspection and costly remediation. Often, our reports show previously un-mapped sections of pipe.

Some municipalities use our reports to replace records held in older, incompatible technologies and consolidate super-system data into one extensive report/database.

RATS Inc. provides our clients with unparalleled interactive whole-network mapping and condition reports pinpointing the areas which require the services of a CCTV inspection and costly remediation. Often, our reports show previously un-mapped sections of pipe.

Some municipalities use our reports to replace records held in older, incompatible technologies and consolidate Supersystem data into one extensive report/database

Compatibility & Flexibility. Always Easily Available.

RATS Inc. Data Reports are provided in formats compatible with the most commonly used
mapping platforms. Easily visualize and analyze your information.

  • GIS mapping systems
  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Desktop
  • Google Earth
  • CSV
  • Pdf
  • Microsoft & SQL Server Database
Call (647) 245-8800 Today

For More Information or to Request An Estimate
[email protected]