Save Time - Save Money

Pinpoint Locations
Needing Repair

Smart Municipalities Need Smart Data To Make The Best Decisions

Sewer Line condition assessment has traditionally been very costly. Whole-network CCTV inspection takes a long time and is resource intensive. Adherence to Confined Space Entry protocols to prevent injury or death from falls, hazardous atmospheres, toxic chemicals etc. requires expensive training, specialized PPE and results in an overall slower process.

RATS Inc. (Rapid Assessment Technology Services) is redefining this assessment process by providing our client municipalities with comprehensive network condition data in a fraction of the time required by the old, costly methods.

Now, more than ever, intelligent Asset Management Planning is a critical factor in making the best possible resource allocation decisions regarding sewer line maintenance.

  • Save Time
  • Increase Efficiency
  • Map Your Entire System
  • Save Money

Our Technology

What is Acoustic Inspection

Our Award-winning InfoSense SL-RAT (Sewer Line Rapid Assessment Tool) utilizes patented acoustic technology to provide real-time blockage assessments in 150 to 450 mm. gravity lines. Our system uses a transmitter in one manhole and a receiver in the next to determine and record the condition of each section of line in three minutes or less.

Our Services

Improved Strategic Asset Management Effectiveness
with Acoustic Sewer Line Assessments

RATS Inc. Expert Inspection Teams can survey and document approximately
3,000 Meters of 150 to 450 mm. gravity sewer lines per day.



Significant Cost Savings

Smart Data

Compatibility & Flexibility,
Always Easily Available

RATS Inc. Data Reports are provided in formats compatible with the most commonly used mapping platforms. Easily visualize and analyze your information.

  • GIS mapping systems
  • ArcGIS Online
  • ArcGIS Desktop
  • Google Earth
  • CSV
  • Pdf
  • Microsoft & SQL Server Database

Our Resources

Visit Our Resources Page To View FAQs, Case Studies,
Articles, News, Videos And Testimonials

Call (647) 245-8800 Today

For More Information or to Request An Estimate
[email protected]